
Beniversal HSA
Do you offer a High-Deductible Health Plan? Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) allow individuals who are covered by an HSA-compatible health plan, including HDHPs, to save money to pay for eligible medical expenses on a tax-free basis.
These accounts offer a triple tax benefit:
* Employees own the funds
* Funds automatically carry over each year
* Funds earn interest or can be invested and remain tax-free
We have integrated partnerships with industry-leading HSA custodians. Information is seamlessly exchanged with the HSA custodian to provide you with a best-in-class HSA experience.
Simplified administration from BRI offers:
* Convenient tools for managing accounts, including BRiWeb, BRiMobile, and BRiAlerts
* Seamless implementation, with recommendations for transition strategies and plan changes to maximize HSA compatibility
* Flexible funding alternatives with file upload and direct deposit options
* Comprehensive employer support for enrollments, education and program design.
* Easy access for participants to funds from all their benefit accounts on a single card
* Opportunities for participants to invest in a best in class mutual fund
* Participant Support by phone and live chat (available in English and Spanish).
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