
Legal Services
Dependent Audits
Many clients are unaware of how they can achieve and maintain lower benefit costs. By ensuring only eligible individuals are covered under benefits plans, we eliminate healthcare claims ineligible dependents incur that drive up benefit costs for all other parties. At FBA, our Dependent Audit Team is prepared to review all covered dependents under each benefit plan against eligibility rules to identify possible ineligible participants. This service helps employers focus on attracting and retaining quality employees.
Nondiscrimination Testings
A non-discrimination test can be performed when implementing a flexible benefit plan. Under IRS regulations, Section 125 plans benefit from favorable tax treatment. As such, there are certain nondiscrimination rules in place to ensure these plans do not favor highly compensated or key employees over other classes of employees. As an optional service, FBA can provide testing to ensure these plans are within compliance guidelines and recommend improvements, if necessary, should a benefit program not meet requirements. A few nondiscrimination tests FBA administers include, but are
not limited to:
• 55% Dependent Care Average Benefit Tests
• 25% Cafeteria Plan Concentration Tests
• Section 105(h) Tests
Plan Document Preparations
Under ERISA, all employee welfare benefit plans must have a written plan document to identify basic
information about the administered benefit programs. Plan document preparations are designed to help
ensure clients meet applicable legal requirements under ERISA, IRS, HIPAA, the Affordable Care Act and
more. With our preparation you will receive a formal, written, legal statement listing the provisions of the
administered benefits.
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