
Pretax Benefit Plan Administration

Progressive Benefit Solutions (PBS) is a technology based company that specializes in the administration of:
Benefit Administration, Private Benefit Exchange & Pre-tax Benefit Plan Administration.

Progressive Benefit Solutions, LLC has been in business since 2004 offering clients as effective and efficient administrative capacity to service employers offering IRS Pre-Tax Programs; specifically, Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Dependent Care Accounts (DCA), Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), Health Savings Account (HSA) and Qualified Transportation Account (QTA) administration. WEX Health™ provides over ten million employees with a MasterCard™ access to their pre-tax dollars using the Benny Card™, the technology behind the PBS Pre-Paid Benefits Card.

PBS simplifies the business of healthcare through innovative healthcare software and payment solutions through the administration and management of consumer directed accounts and exchange integration
solutions, such as defined contribution plans, HSAs, HRAs, FSAs, VEBAs, PRAs, wellness plans, and transit plans.

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