
COBRA Administration from isolved Benefit Services

COBRA is a law with a double bite: both the DOL and the IRS regularly conduct COBRA audits and issue penalties. If your company faced a COBRA audit, would you pass? There are a number of requirements and regulations that go along with COBRA, and if even a single step in the process is missed, your organization could face stiff fines and penalties. For most businesses, managing their own COBRA is something that is far more complex than they realize. Having a trusted partner to handle these tasks and ensure compliance relieves a lot of stress.

30 Years of Experience

isolved Benefit Services (formerly Infinisource Benefit Services) started in 1986 in response to the newly enacted COBRA law, so we understand the ins and outs of the complex legal requirements. In fact, we have generated over 8,000,000 COBRA notices without a single adverse judgment or penalty. We will work diligently to maximize broker and employer efficiency from this partnership. This service includes gathering new enrollee and qualifying event data from Employee Navigator, producing and mailing the required notices and billing and collecting required premiums. Request a quote and put us to work for you today.

Additional Services

In addition to COBRA, isolved Benefit Services also offers FSA, HRA, HSA, Transit and Parking administration, plan documents, notice mailing, premium billing, ACA Print & File and HR/Employment Legal Services. For further information and pricing, please contact our Solutions team at or 800-779-6384.

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