
Health Plan of Nevada HMO & POS
As Nevada’s oldest HMO, Health Plan of Nevada has provided Nevadans with health care coverage for more than 30 years.
With most Health Plan of Nevada HMO plans, there are no annual deductibles, claim forms, or annual maximum limits for many services. Copayments are predictable and affordable as a result of the HMO’s one tier benefit design. Benefits are easy to understand and access.
With a Health Plan of Nevada POS plan, there are a variety of benefits and covered services available within a three-tier design: HMO, Expanded Plan Provider and Non-Plan Provider. Each tier is designed with different degrees of flexibility and cost sharing. So, every time care is accessed, members can choose the coverage they want based on their current needs. When selecting a tier level, take into consideration copayments, provider access, deductibles, and coinsurance.
Sierra Health & Life PPO
Sierra Health and Life (SHL) has been providing quality health plans in Nevada and 43 other states for over 100 years.
With Sierra Health and Life’s Preferred Provider Medical Plans, members have a choice of two benefit levels: preferred plan provider and non-plan provider. Members can choose from among these two levels each and every time they access health care services. When members select services from the preferred plan provider benefit level, members will have lower out-of-pocket costs.
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