ACA Reporting Can Be a Brokers Best Prospecting Tool

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) can be a complex challenge for employers and brokers alike. A single company can spend dozens of hours per year organizing the data needed to successfully complete the filing requirements, but that’s just to start. Most ACA filing products are prohibitively expensive, forcing brokers and employers to pay exorbitant fees. We think there is a better way that can not only save brokers and their clients time and money but can also be leveraged as a prospecting tool for forward-thinking brokers.
By positioning ACA as a value-added service, brokers not only deliver true value to their clients by solving a real problem but also gain immediate access to company census data, enrollment details, premiums, and renewal dates – information they usually must request and subsequently wait for prior to quoting new and prospective clients. However, with census data organized and in hand, brokers can get out in front of the process and their competition.
Getting started is simple. Begin by informing your clients that you can offer them an industry-leading benefits administration system for free through Employee Navigator and save them money by moving their ACA and HR process to a single secure system of record. It’s a win-win.
Still on the fence? Employee Navigator’s ACA solution successfully filed over 2 million 1095s last year and has some of the industry’s most affordable filing fees. By bringing Employee Navigator to the table brokers have been able to save a company with 100 employees up to $20,000 compared to ACA filing done through most payroll systems.
More importantly, Employee Navigator has the distinction of being both a Certified Nelco Data Partner and an Elite Nelco Filing Partner. Those honors are earned by ranking in the top tier for total number of 1095’s filed as well as being in top 10% in ratio of support cases to those filings. In short, we file a lot of 1095’s and we do so accurately. Learn more about Nelco Certified Partner Status here.
What are you waiting for? Improve your client prospecting, save them money, and set them up for a headache free ACA reporting season.
Still have questions? Email us at or call us at 301-583-5180.